When Should You Consider Getting All On 4® Implants?

When Should You Consider Getting All On 4® Implants?


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Having missing teeth can be pretty frustrating, not to mention embarrassing at the same time. You may experience discomfort when it comes to eating, and your face can even be deformed because of the missing teeth. The perfect fix is getting the All on 4® implants in San Jose.

Implants are a great way to fill in the gaps of missing teeth. They are durable and long-lasting. But you will need to properly clean and maintain them. If you want to know more about All on 4®s, we've got you covered.

Understanding All On 4®

What Are All On 4® Implants?

The term “All on 4®” means that four implants are placed to replace the entire set of natural teeth. These implants are surgically anchored into the jawbone and then fixed onto a metal framework that supports false teeth.

There are many reasons why people get All on 4® implants. The usual reason is that they have lost all their teeth or because they don’t have healthy enough bone to anchor regular implants.

When Should You Get Them?

The All on 4® dental implants procedure is a form of implant dentistry that is tailored to people who have lost all their teeth and need to replace them with implants. It has become the go-to option for people who want to improve their smile and give up on removable dentures.

A person must first go through a thorough consultation and evaluation of their jaw and teeth before deciding if this procedure is the right choice for them. Ultimately, it's up to you to decide.

What Are The Benefits Of Having All On 4® Implants?

These implants can provide many benefits over traditional dentures and dental implants. They can be more natural-looking, they can last longer than other options, and they are less expensive than the alternative of filling an entire row with implants.  

Traditional dentures and bridges do not last as long as All on 4®s. They also require a lot of upkeep such as cleaning, polishing, and soaking if they’re removable, which leads to a more complicated process.

All on 4® implants do not require bone grafting or multiple procedures to be implanted as traditional dental implants do.  

Having the procedure done can definitely make your life more comfortable. You'll be able to eat properly and still have a great smile. Although they are just false teeth, at least it fills the gaps and gives you a complete set.

Looking for All On 4® Implants In San Jose?

Are you looking to get All on 4® implants in San Jose? Now that we've laid out the benefits of getting them, it's time for you to head over to your trusted dentist and have a consultation.

If you want to leave your teeth in the hands of skilled professionals, visit the Center for Advanced Dentistry. We specialize in a lot of different dental procedures, making use of modern technology and the latest dental techniques.

If you ever need a fix to maintain your pearly whites, call us today and schedule an appointment! We'll make sure you're taken care of from start to finish.

"Nobel Biocare, NobelProcera, NobelGuide and All-on-4 are trademarks of the Nobel Biocare group."

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