Can Dental Implants Positively Affect Gum Atrophy?

Dental implants are one of the best ways to solve the issue of missing teeth. All the efforts you put in caring for your teeth can pay off. If you have questions regarding dental implants in San Jose and their effects on gum atrophy, visit your local dentist. 

This is something that you should cherish and value because the health of your teeth and gums can affect your overall health. 

Dental implants can be used as root replacements for lost teeth caused by accidents, trauma, or dental-related diseases. It has the purpose of supporting the gums, the structure of the mouth, and the false teeth. 

What Is Gum Atrophy? 

Gum atrophy is a condition that involves the gums, specifically gum recession. This is a condition where a portion of the gums will recede and possibly create pockets where the bacteria can grow and cause harm to the patient’s gums. 

This is a severe condition where if it is left untreated, it can potentially cause tooth loss and lose the support of the gums and the bone that holds the teeth in place. The loss of teeth due to gum atrophy will require dental implants to give mouth support. 

Being careful of gum atrophy is very important, especially with the symptoms that this condition exhibits. The most common sign that first arises when your gums recede is tooth sensitivity and that the tooth looks unnaturally long. 

Can Dental Implants Affect Gum Atrophy Positively? 

Dental implants can affect gum atrophy temporarily, but gum atrophy can still appear even with dental implants. This is because dental implants are only there to replace the roots of teeth that have been lost to make up for the support of the whole mouth. 

Receding gums will be affected by the surgical procedure of dental implants, but not for long. The dentist can ensure that your gums will cover the dental implants, but there is no long-term effect since the gums can recede afterward. 

The treatment of the gum recession may fail with the procedure for dental implants. One requirement for dental implants is a healthy mouth. Having receding gums may affect the success of getting dental implants.  

Other Treatments for Gum Atrophy 

Because dental implants cannot fix gum recession alone, there should be other options to consider when getting treatment for gum atrophy. Below are options you can consult with your dentist as a treatment. 

Deep Cleaning 

Deep cleaning is for mild cases of gum atrophy. The dentist will first have to assess the state of your gums and how severe your gum recession is before they proceed with the deep cleaning. During this procedure, plaque and tartar are removed to prevent any more damage. 


The bone and the tissues around your gums may be in danger. The dentist may consider having your bone and tissue recover first before proceeding to fix the tooth loss. We can use a grafting material to encourage the growth of tissue and bone. 

Open-Flap Scaling and Root Planing 

This procedure involves the gums being folded back by the dentist to remove any bacteria that has entered the pockets made by the gums receding. Dentists will clear away any other problems and situate the gums to cover the tooth root while eliminating pockets.

Do You Need Dental Implants in San Jose?

Now that you know that dental implants have little to no positive effect on gum atrophy, there are other options other than dental implants. It would be best to consult a dentist. There are many services that you might need. 

If you need more advice on dental implants in San Jose, head on over to Center For Advanced Dentistry. Schedule your appointment today!