Does Plaque Cause Your Gums to Bleed?

All of us are prone to plaque and tartar buildup. At times, we might notice our gums bleeding while we brush or floss our teeth, and that is something we should consult the best dentist in San Jose about as this could be a symptom of an oral health problem.

Let’s find out what causes plaque buildup, how it contributes to bleeding gums, and how we can get rid of it.

What Causes Plaque Buildup?

Plaque buildup is a film of debris and bacteria often caused by the food particles and other deposits stuck in our teeth. The buildup hastens when you practice unhealthy dental habits.

Ignoring continuous plaque buildup is a huge red flag for your oral health. When not cleaned, it becomes tartar, and the bacteria and acid from the buildup can cause many oral problems, like enamel erosion, tooth decay, and gum inflammation.

How Does Plaque Make Gums Bleed?

‍Gingivitis is an oral health condition where gum inflammation happens because of untreated plaque and tartar buildup. Gums become so tender and sensitive that when touched, like with a toothbrush, they bleed, and it can be uncomfortable and painful at times.

Other symptoms of gingivitis include bad breath and unpleasant taste.

When left untreated, gingivitis can turn into periodontitis. Not only do your gums become affected, but also your jawbone and tissues that support your teeth. Periodontitis can be so severe that it causes teeth to fall out because the gums are too soft to hold them.

Periodontitis can also cause a dental abscess to grow in your mouth, and this imposes a huge danger, as this could lead to cyst growth and other oral health problems.

How to Get Rid of Plaque and Cure Bleeding Gums

Plaque buildup can be prevented and cured by regularly flossing and brushing your teeth. Dental cleaning should also be done at least twice a year to scrape all the plaque and tartar from your mouth. Antiseptic mouthwash can also be used to minimize plaque buildup.

When bleeding gums occur, your dentist might advise you to use a toothbrush with softer bristles or an electric toothbrush with specific brush heads that can thoroughly clean your teeth. You can also rinse your mouth with warm salt water to soothe gums that bleed easily.

Your dentist can also prescribe some antibiotics when bleeding becomes severe or after undergoing gum treatment because a few percentages of bacteria left can ‘reactivate’ the infection.

It is better to practice healthier habits such as eating foods rich in vitamin C, reducing stress, and quitting smoking and alcohol.

Need Help from the Best Dentist in San Jose?

Now that we know how crucial plaque buildup is in bleeding gums, you need to prioritize your oral health to prevent these situations from manifesting. 

At the Center for Advanced Dentistry, we can help you maintain your oral health by providing comprehensive regular checkups and cleaning services. We also have the best dentist in San Jose to help you cure your existing oral health problems.

‍Give us a call to know more about the best dentist in San Jose!